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Preparing for retirement in uncertain times

As most long-term investors know, investment markets have their ups and downs. The downs are usually associated with periods of uncertainty, perhaps due to political or economic factors, or even natural disasters. Uncertainty leads to volatility – more extreme movements in asset prices – which can have a big impact on portfolio values. This can …

5 ways to recession-proof your business

Economies tend to face headwinds every ten years as the business cycle moves from periods of growth to contraction. While recessions are challenging for small and medium businesses across Australia, it doesn’t mean there aren’t significant opportunities to strengthen your business and come out of challenging times stronger and more profitable. In this article, we’re …

Don’t Let Overspending Be Your Undoing

Do you struggle to control your spending around your friends and family? If the urge to ‘keep up’ with a certain lifestyle is stretching your finances, it could be time to take action. From splitting the bill at an expensive restaurant, to having the ‘right’ house, car and clothes, many of us fall victim to …

Four strategies to maximise your super

Many of us daydream about the day we finally retire and are able to do the things we’ve longed for, whether that’s travelling the world, campervanning around Australia, improving our golf or gardening skills, or spending more time socialising or with our grandchildren. But if we are just sitting back while our employers make mandated …

Why wellbeing isn’t just for the well-off

Are you guilty of putting your health and wellbeing last? Whether it’s for financial or family reasons, you could be costing yourself more than you think. Whether it’s down to a lack of time or money, we’re all guilty of neglecting our own health from time to time. This can be especially true during challenging …